







12 rules for life

Hope is the thing with feathers

A concise introduction to mixed methods research

A gathering of shadows

A conjuring of light

Social functions of emotion and talking about emotion at work

SPSS demystified



Stuttering and cluttering

The boat rocker


The Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior

Work design

Diversifying digital learning

Shaping the university of the future


Sustainable futures for higher education

Higher education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution

The pedagogy of compassion at the heart of higher education

University community engagement and lifelong learning

Cultural awareness and competency development in higher education

The human side of changing education

Deep learning

The cultural proficiency manifesto

Social media wellness


Blended learning in action

Making evaluation meaningful

Student-driven differentiation

The photograph as contemporary art

The art of feminism

Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy

The Trojan horse

A good fall

Second life

The story of a new name : youth

My brilliant friend




