
- Advanced geometry
- algebra
- calculus
- complex analysis
- complex function theory
- differential equations
- differential geometry
- discrete mathematics
- dynamic geometry
- general physics
- graph theory
- linear algebra
- linear programming
- mathematical statistics
- mathematical teaching
- mathematics
- number theory
- numerical analysis
- optimization
- probability
- real analysis
- regression analysis
- statistics
- topology
- 數學系歷年博碩士論文
- 師範校院聯合博碩士論文
- 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
- 數位化論文典藏聯盟 (Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest))
- Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
- HKLIS Dissertation and Theses Collection(香港地區博碩士論文整合查詢系統)
- 中國期刊全文數據庫
- 美加地區博碩士論文(PQDT)
可查詢1861年起之美加地區博碩士論文摘要,且可免費瀏覽1997年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁
- Acta mathematica Hungarica.
- Acta mathematica.
- Advances in mathematics.
- American journal of mathematics.
- Annals of mathematics.
- Applied mathematics and computation.
- Applied numerical mathematics : transactions of IMACS
- Archiv der Mathematik. Archives of mathematics.
- Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical
- Bulletin de la Société mathématique de France.
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.
- Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Canadian journal of mathematics
- Canadian mathematical bulletin
- Chinese journal of mathematics
- Commentarii mathematici Helvetici.
- Communications in mathematical physics.
- Communications on pure and applied mathematics
- Compositio mathematica.
- Current mathematical publications.
- Discrete applied mathematics.
- Discrete mathematics.
- Duke mathematical journal.
- Educational studies in mathematics.
- Expositiones mathematicae.
- Focus on learning problems in mathematics.
- Forum mathematicum.
- Glasgow mathematical journal.
- Historia mathematica.
- Houston journal of mathematics.
- Illinois journal of mathematics
- IMA journal of applied mathematics.
- IMA journal of mathematical control and information.
- IMA journal of mathematics applied in medicine
- Index of mathematical papers.
- Indian journal of pure and applied mathematics.
- Indiana University mathematics journal.
- International journal of mathematical education
- International journal of mathematics and mathematical
- International journal of science and mathematics
- Inventiones mathematicae.
- Israel journal of mathematics.
- Journal for research in mathematics education
- Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik.
- Journal of computational and applied mathematics.
- Journal of mathematical analysis and applications.
- Journal of mathematical physics.
- Journal of mathematical sciences.
- Journal of recreational mathematics.
- Journal of Soviet mathematics.
- Journal of the American Mathematical Society
- Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.
- Journal of the Faculty of Science
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society.
- Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
- Letters in mathematical physics.
- Lithuanian mathematical journal.
- Manuscripta mathematica.
- Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences
- Mathematical reviews.
- Mathematics in school.
- Mathematics magazine.
- Mathematics of computation.
- Mathematics teaching
- Mathematische Zeitschrift.
- Memoires de la Societe mathematique de france
- Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.
- News bulletin National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
- Numerische Mathematik.
- Osaka journal of mathematics.
- Pacific journal of mathematics.
- Philosophia mathematica.
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
- Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.
- Publications mathématiques.
- School science and mathematics.
- SIAM journal on applied mathematics.
- SIAM journal on mathematical analysis
- Southeast Asian bulletin of mathematics.
- Studia mathematica.
- Studies in applied mathematics.
- Taiwanese journal of mathematics
- Teaching children mathematics.
- Teaching mathematics and its applications
- The American mathematical monthly
- The Annals of mathematical statistics.
- The Australian mathematics teacher.
- The bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
- The College mathematics journal
- The Journal of mathematical behavior
- The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.
- The Mathematical gazette
- The mathematical intelligencer.
- The Mathematics education.
- The Mathematics teacher.
- The Michigan mathematical journal.
- The Quarterly journal of mathematics. Oxford series.
- The Quarterly journal of mechanics and applied
- Tôhoku mathematical journal.
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
- Tsukuba journal of mathematics.
- Ukrainian mathematical journal.
- 九章數學雜誌. 高中版
- 上海中學數學
- 日本數學教育學會誌
- 中國科學. A輯. , 數學
- 中國科學. G輯. , 物理學, 力學, 天文學
- 中學數學教與學
- 中學數學教學
- 花師數理教育學報
- 系統科學與數學
- 東吳數理學報
- 計算數學
- 屏師科學教育
- 高級中學數學科教學剪輯資料
- 高速計算世界
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- 數學學報
- 數學譯林
- 應用數學學報
- 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)
- 館際合作-館際互借
- 微積分
- 授課教師:張宏志、林盈甄
- 參考書目:
- Thomas , Weir, Hass : Thomas’ Calculus 12/e
- H. Anton, Irl C. Bivens and S. Davis : “Calculus: International Student Version, 9th Edition” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010.
- G. B. Thomas: “Calculus, 11th Edition”, Addison Wesley Longman, 2006.
- Larson, Hostetler and Edwards: “ Calculus with analytic geometry, 8th edition”.
- S. L. Salas, E. Hille and G.J.Etgen : “Calculus: One and several variables, 10th Edition” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
- 高等微積分
- 授課教師:吳恭儉、林盈甄
- 參考書目
- William R. Wade : “ An Introduction to Analysis ”
- Witold A. J.Kosmala : “ A Friendly Introduction to Analysis”.
- Jerrold E. Marsden & Michael J. Hoffman : “ Elementary Classical Analysis”
- 線性代數
- 授課教師:左太政、李俊憲、李珠矽
- 參考書目:
- Thomas , Weir, Hass : Thomas’ Calculus 12/e
- H. Anton, Irl C. Bivens and S. Davis : “Calculus: International Student Version, 9th Edition” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010.
- G. B. Thomas: “Calculus, 11th Edition”, Addison Wesley Longman, 2006.
- Larson, Hostetler and Edwards: “ Calculus with analytic geometry, 8th edition”.
- S. L. Salas, E. Hille and G.J.Etgen : “Calculus: One and several variables, 10th Edition” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
- Shifrin, T.& Adams, M. R.(2011). Linear algebra, a geometric approach. 2nded..
- Anton & Roress: Elementary Linear Algebra
- Nicholson: Linear Algebra with application.
- S. Friedberg, A. Insel, and L. Spence, Linear Algebra, 4th Edition, 2013
- G. Strang, Introduction to linear algebra, 4/E, 2010
- I.N. Herstein: Topics in Algebra
- 高等線性代數
- 授課教師:陳仁純
- 參考書目:
- 科技與社會(資訊與社會)
- 授課教師:盧信彰
- 參考書目:
- 楊谷洋、陳永平、林文源、方俊育(2010)。科技 社會 人-STS跨領域新視界。國立交通大學出版社ISBN:9789866301049
- David Holmes(2009)。媒介、科技與社會(Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society)。台北:韋伯文化,ISBN:978–986–6816–48–2。
- Maria Bakardjieva(2008)。網路社會與日常生活(Internet Society: The Internet in Everyday Life)。台北:韋伯文化,ISBN:978–986–7557–83–4。
- 整數論
- 授課教師:吳郁芬
- 參考書目:
- D. M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010
- Niven, H.S. Zuckerman, and H. L. Montgomery, An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers, 5th ed., Wiley, New York, 1991.
- G. H. Hardy and E. M. Wright, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, 5th ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 6th ed., 2008
- L.-K. Hua, Introduction to Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982. (華羅庚, 數論導引, 凡異)
- 代數學(二)
- 授課教師:吳郁芬
- 參考書目:
- Fraleigh, J. B. A First Course In Abstract Algebra (7th ed.) Addison-Wesley 2003
- Nicholson, W. K. Introduction to Abstract Algebra 3rd ed. Wiley, 2007
- Gallian J.A., Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 6rd ed.,Lexington,Massachusetts, 2006
- Robinson, D. J. S. An Introduction to Abstract AlgebraWalter de Gruyter 2003
- Herstein, I.N. Abstract Algebra (3rd ed.) New York; John Wiley & Sons 1999
- Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, 2nd ed., Lexington,Massachusetts, 1975
- Rotman, J. A., First Course in Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 2000
- 統計學
- 授課教師:黃必祥
- 參考書目:
- R. E. Walpole, R. H. Myers, and S. L. Myers. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th edition, 2014
- R. V. Hogg & E. A.Tanis Probability and Statistical Inference, 8th edition, 2010
- P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port, and C. J. Stone:Introduction to Probability Theory, 1971
- W. Mendenhall, D. D. Wackerly, and R. L. Scheaffer: Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 4th edition, 1990
- 程式語言
- 授課教師:吳明倫
- 參考書目:
- C語言教學手冊,洪維恩 旗標
- C教學範本 洪錦魁,上奇
- 科學計算
- 授課教師:陳振遠
- 參考書目:
- Timothy Sauer, Numerical Analysis. Pearson International Edition. 2006
- C. Moler, Numerical Computing with MATLAB, The MathWorks, Inc. 2004
- 實變分析
- 授課教師:林英哲
- 參考書目:
- R. L. Wheeden and A. Zygmund, Measure and Integral, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York & Basel, 1977.
- C. D. Aliprantis and O. Binshaw: Principles of real analysis, third edition, Academic Press, 1988.
- H. L. Royden: Real Analysis, third edition, Macmillan, New York & London, 1988.
- 應用數學專題
- 授課教師:杜威仕
- 參考書目:
- Abul Hasan Siddiqi, Applied Functional Analysis, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004
- Wataru Takahashi, Nonlinear functional analysis: Fixed point theory and its applications, Yokohama Publishers, Yokohama, Japan, 2000.
- 調和分析
- 授課教師:林英哲
- Elias M.Stein Singular Integrals and Differentiability properties of Functions Princeton University Press USA 1970
- 非線性分析專題
- 授課教師:杜威仕
- 參考書目:
- Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos Socrates Papageorgiou, Nonlinear Analysis, Taylor & Francis Group, United States of America, 2005.
- Wataru Takahashi, Nonlinear functional analysis: Fixed point theory and its applications, Yokohama Publishers, Yokohama, Japan, 2000.
- 數學教育研究法
- 授課教師:左太政
- 參考書目:
- 吳和堂(2011)。教育論文寫作與實用技巧(第四版)。台北市:高等教育出版社。
- 葉重新(2001)。教育研究法。台北市:心理出版社。
- 張慶勳(2002)。論文寫作手冊。台北市:心理出版社。
- 郭生玉。心理與教育研究法。台北市;精華出版社。
- 蔡金中(2008)。社會科學研究與論文寫作。台北市:高等教育出版社。
- 流形導論
- 授課教師:林盈甄
- 參考書目:
- Loring W. Tu: An Introduction to Manifolds
- Andrew Pressley : Elementary Differential Geometry
- M. doCarmo : Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces.
- James R. Munkers : Topology / a First Course.
- I. M. Singer and J. A. Thorpe : Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry.
- 碎形幾何
- 授課教師:賴鵬仁
- 參考書目:
- M.F. Barnsley, Fractals Everywhere, 1993, Academic Press.
- Kenneth Falconer, Fractal Geometry, 1993, Wiley.
- Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer, The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, Springer-Verlag, New York 1996
- H.Peitgen, H. Jurgens, D. Saupe, Chaos and fractals new frontiers of science, Springer 2004
- airiti Books 華藝中文電子書(支援 ipad、Android 及 PC 版閱讀器)
- Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館(CEPS 中文電子期刊 + CETD 中文電子論文)
- Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest) 數位化論文典藏聯盟
- Ebscohost 全文資料庫 (ASP+BSP+CMMC)
- EndNote 書目管理軟體
- ERMG 電子資源查詢平台
高師大 ERMG 電子資源查詢平台
- Nature Archive, 1987 - 1996
Nature 雜誌過刊,可使用年限1987 - 1996
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A&I (PQDT--美加地區博碩士論文 )
提供美加地區博碩士論文索摘 (1861- ),可免費瀏覽 1997 年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁。
- Science Direct 資料庫
- Web of Science資料庫
WOS內容包含科學(SCIE-Science citation index expanded)、社會科學(SSCI-Social science citation index)、藝術與人文(A&HCI-Arts and humanities citation index)3種引文索引資料庫;SCIE約6,000餘種期刊,回溯年代至1900;SSCI約1,800餘種期刊,回溯年代至1956。本校僅訂閱SCIE及SSCI兩種資料庫。
- Wiley Online Library 資料庫
為一整合型的全文資料庫,資料類型包含 John Wiley 及 Black well 所出版的電子期刊約1,500 餘種、一般性電子書、及電子參考工具書。學科主題為綜合類型。2014年FULL Collection Fixed List為1,172種,FULL Collection Upgrade List 為208種。每種期刊全文查詢年限不盡相同,平均可回溯至 1997 年。
- 中國期刊全文數據庫 CNKI
- 方正中文電子書
- 國立高雄師範大學博碩士論文系統
- 國立高雄師範大學機構典藏系統
機構典藏(Institutional Repository,IR)係將機構(大學)本身的各式研究產出,如期刊及會議論文、研究報告、投影片、教材等,以數位的方法保存並建立網路平台,提供全文檢索與使用的服務機制。