
- climate change
- cognitive psychol
- conservation education
- environmental challenge
- environmental change
- environmental economic
- environmental education
- environmental ethics
- environmental interpretation
- environmental philosophy
- environmental pollution
- environmental protection
- environmental risk
- environmental science
- green school
- human Computer Interaction
- science cognitive
- science curriculum design
- science education
- science learning
- science learning environment
- science teaching activiti
- scientific epistemological views
- scientific literacy
- water resources
- web-based science learning
- 科學教育暨環境教育研究所歷年博碩士論文
- 環境教育研究所歷年博碩士論文
- 科學教育研究所歷年博碩士論文
- 師範校院聯合博碩士論文
- 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
- 數位化論文典藏聯盟 (Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest))
- Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
- HKLIS Dissertation and Theses Collection(香港地區博碩士論文整合查詢系統)
- 中國期刊全文數據庫
- 美加地區博碩士論文(PQDT)
可查詢1861年起之美加地區博碩士論文摘要,且可免費瀏覽1997年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁
- American Biology Teacher
- Applied Environmental Education And Communication
- Audubon
- Australian Journal Of Education
- Australian Journal Of Environmental Education
- Bulletin Of Science, Technology & Society
- Canadian Journal Of Environmental Education
- Cognition And Instruction
- Computers, Environment And Urban Systems
- Educational Researcher
- Environmental And Resource Economics
- Environmental Education Research
- Environmental Research
- Gifted Child Quarterly
- Harvard Educational Review
- International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science And Technology
- International Journal Of Science Education
- Journal Of College Science Teaching
- Journal Of Curriculum Studies
- Journal Of Environmental Psychology
- Journal Of The Learning Sciences
- Organizational research methods
- School Science Review
- Science And Children
- Science Teacher
- Studies In Science Education
- The Journal of environmental education
- Theory Into Practice
- 戶外遊憩硏究
- 環境科學技術教育專刊
- 環境教育季刊
- 環境教育硏究
- 環境教育學刊
- 環境與管理硏究
- 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)
- 館際合作-館際互借
- 科學教育暨環境教育研究法
- 授課教師:林佳慶 J.R.
- Fraenkel, N.E. Wallen, Helen H. Hyun原著; 楊孟麗,謝水南譯(2013)。教育研究法:研究設計實務(第二版)。心理出版社。
- John W. Creswell原著; 張宇樑, 吳樎椒翻譯(2011) 。研究設計:質化、量化及混合方法取向(第二版)。臺北市:學富文化。
- 吳明隆、涂金堂著(2009)。SPSS與統計應用分析(二版)。台北市:五南出版社。
- 授課教師:林佳慶 J.R.
- 科學教育期刊論文批判
- 授課教師:洪振方、林義順
- HandBook of Research on Science Education, Part IV:curriculum and assessment in science. 2007. Abell, S. K. & Leaderman, N. G. Lawrence Erlbuam Associates..
- Science Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, International Journal of Science Education, Science & Education,等四本國外科學教育期刊有關數位評量的文獻。
- Computer & Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Educational Technology & Society, British Journal of Educational Technology.等四本國外電腦與網路學習技術期刊有關數位評量的文獻。
- 授課教師:洪振方、林義順
- 科學教育媒體專題研究(一)
- 授課教師:洪振方、阮至永
- 未來教室、行動與無所不在學習,2014年版,作者:黃國禎等人,高等。
- 遊戲式數位學習,2013年版,作者:孫春在,高等。
- Computer & Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Educational Technology & Society, British Journal of Educational Technology.等四本國外電腦與網路學習技術期刊有關數位學習與科學教育文獻。
- Science Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, International Journal of Science Education, 等三本國外科學教育期刊有關數位學習與科學教育文獻
- ESERA Conference: http://www.esera.org/esera-conference/
- 科學教育學刊:http://ejournal.stpi.narl.org.tw/NSC_INDEX/KSP/journalView/journalEntry.jsp?journalId=J000002
- 台灣網路科教館:http://www.ntsec.edu.tw/index.aspx
- 授課教師:洪振方、阮至永
- 腦動力學(二)
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹、何明宗
- Bassett, Danielle S, B.,&Vicente,B-S., & Michael X, C.,&Gustavo,D.(2013).Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics: From Genes to the Brain. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- Liang, Z-F.,& Liu, X.,& Zhang,N-Y. (2015). Dynamic resting state functional connectivity in awake and anesthetized rodents. NeuroImage104,89–99.
- Liu, C-S.(2015). A novel Lie-group theory and complexity of nonlinear dynamical systems.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation20(1),39–58.
- Luo, F-L., & Yang, N., & He, C.,& Li, H-L.,& Li,C. &Chen, F.,& Xiong, J-X.,& Hu,Z-A.,& Zhang, J.(2014).Exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields alters the calcium dynamics of cultured entorhinal cortex neurons. Environmental Research135,236–246.
- Schoenberg, P.L.A.,& Hepark, S.,& Kan,C.C.,& Barendregt,H.P.,& Buitelaar,J.K.,& Speckens, A.E.M. (2014). Effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on neurophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology125(7),1407–1416.
- Song, Y.,& Lindquist , R. (2015).Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on depression, anxiety,stress and mindfulness in Korean nursing students. Nurse Education Today35, 86–90.
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹、何明宗
- 認知科學與科學教育專題研究
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹
- Brendan,M. (2014).Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: New Research. Nova Science Pub Inc.
- Jose Luis,B. (2014). Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Science of the Mind. Cambridge University Press.
- Bosco, F. M., &Gabbatore, I.,& Tirassa,M. (2014). A broad assessment of theory of mind in adolescence: The complexity of mindreading. Consciousness and Cognition24, 84–97.
- Gallese,V. (2013). Mirror neurons, embodied simulation and a second-person approach to mindreading. Cortex49(10),2954–2956.
- Mahy, CE.V., & Moses, L.J.,& Pfeifer, J.H. (2014). How and where: Theory-of-mind in the brain.Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 9,68–81.
- Mo, S., & Su, Y.,& Sabbagh, M.A., & Xiu, J-M. (2014).Sentential complements and false belief understanding in Chinese Mandarin-speaking preschoolers: A training study. Cognitive Development29,50–61.
- Robins, S.(2014). Mindreading and tacit knowledge. Cognitive Systems Research28, 1–11.
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹
- 電腦視覺表徵科學學習專題研究
- 授課教師:張欣怡
- Quintana, C., Reiser, B. J., Davis, E. A., Krajcik, J., Fretz, E., Duncan, R. G., et al. (2004). A scaffolding design framework for software to support science inquiry. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(3), 337–386.
- Reiser, B. J. (2004). Scaffolding complex learning: The mechanisms of structuring and problematizing student work. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13, 273–304.
- Tversky, B., Morrison, J. B., & Betrancourt, M. (2002). Animation: Can it facilitate? International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57, 247–262.
- Smith, G. G., & Olkun, S. (2005). Why interactivity works: Interactive priming of mental rotation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 93–111.
- Moreno, R., & Valdez, A. (2005). Cognitive load and learning effects of having students organize pictures and words in multimedia environments: The role of student interactivity and feedback. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(3), 35–45.
- Clark, R. E. (1983). Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of Educational Research, 53, 445–459.
- Kozma, R. B. (1991). Learning with media. Review of Educational Research, 61, 179–211.
- Clark, R. E. (1994). Media will never influence learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 42, 21–29.
- Kozma, R. B. (1994). Will media influence learning? Reframing the debate. Educational Technology Research and Development, 42, 7–19.
- Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2005). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Chap 2
- Linn & Eylon (2011). Science learning and instruction: Taking advantage of technology to promote knowledge integration. Chap 8
- Linn & Eylon (2011). Science learning and instruction: Taking advantage of technology to promote knowledge integration. Chap 10
- Mayer, R. E. (2005) Multimedia learning: Guiding visuospatial thinking with instructional animation. In P. Shah (Ed). The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Quintana, Zhang, & Krajcik (2005). A framework for supporting metacognitive aspects of online inquiry through software-based scaffolding. Educational Psychologist, 40(4), 235–244
- 授課教師:張欣怡
- 永續發展教育
- 授課教師:蔡執仲
- 看守世界研究中心譯(2013)。2014世界現況-邁向永續繁榮。
- 柳中明(2010)。台灣環境變遷解密-改變未來的12堂課。台北:日月文化。
- Robelia, B., & Murphy, T.(2012). What do people know about key environmental issues? A review of environmental knowledge surveys.Environmental Education Research, 18(3), 299–321.
- Menzel, S., & Bogeholz, S.(2009). The loss of biodiversity as a challenge for sustainable development: how do pupils in Chile and Germany perceive resource dilemmas? Research in Science Education, 39, 429–447.
- Bravo-Torija, B., & Jimenez-Aleixandre, M. (2012). Progression in complexity: contextualizing sustainable marine resources management in a 10th grade classroom. Research in Science Education, 42, 5–23.
- Klosterman, M. L., Sadler, T. D., & Brown, J.(2012). Science Teachers’ use of mass media to address socio-scientific and sustainability issues. Research in Science Education, 42, 51–74.
- 授課教師:蔡執仲
- 生態教育研究
- 授課教師:蔡執仲
- 王立志等譯(2008)。生態學:概念與應用。台中市:滄海
- 王俊秀等譯(1998)。環境與人:自然環境篇。台北市:遠流。
- 王俊秀等譯(1998)。環境與人:環境保護篇。台北市:遠流。
- 授課教師:蔡執仲
- 環境倫理學
- 授課教師:林佳慶
- 楊冠政(2011)。環境倫理學概論(上、下)。大開資訊。
- DesJardins, Joseph R. (2012). Environmental ethics; an introduction to environmental philosophy, 5th ed. South-Western.
- 林官民、楊愛民譯(2002)。環境倫理學:環境哲學導論(第三版)。北京大學出版社。
- 莊慶信(2002):中西環境哲學。台北:五南。
- 當代雜誌–環境哲學VS.無限發展專輯。金恆煒編。165期,2001年5月1日。
- 環境倫理學入門。J. Baird Callicott、Holmes Rolston, III著,陳慈美譯。台北市:中華民國生態關懷者協會,2007。
- 科學教師研究理論與實務 黃琴扉 Marzano, R. J., & Brown, J. L. (2013). A handbook for the art and science of teaching. VA.: Alexandria.
- 授課教師:林佳慶
- 環境風險分析研究
- 授課教師:黃琴扉
- 辛年豐(2014)。環境風險的公司協力:國家任務變遷的觀點。台北市:元照出版社。
- Philip, A. & Malcolm, S. (2015). Finance and the Macroeconomics of Environmental Policies: Palgrave Macmillan, Inc.
- 授課教師:黃琴扉
- 學習科學與科學教育研究
- 授課教師:林佳慶
- K. Sawyer (ed.) (2006). The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
- 戶外教學與解說教育
- 授課教師:黃琴扉
- Gil, G. (2014). Outdoor Leader’s Handbook: How to Plan, Supply, and Guide an Outdoor Expendition for 2 to 12 People. American: Fox Chapel Pub Co, Inc.
- Isabel, M. & Gail, S. S. (2015). A Library Field Trip. American: Capstone Print, Inc.
- 授課教師:黃琴扉
- 學習心理學及科學教育
- 授課教師:柳賢
- 王文科、王智弘譯(2002)。學習心理學–學習理論導論。台北:五南。
- 陳澤民譯(1995)。數學學習心理學(新版中譯)。台北:九章。
- 鄭昭明(2006)。認知心理學-理論與實踐(再修訂三版)。台北:學富文化。
- Brown, T , Smith, K.& Hodson, E (2013).The discursive production of classroom mathematics. Mathematics education research journal, 2013, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 379–397.
- Driscoll Marcy.P (2000) .Psychology of Learning for Instruction (2nd ed.) .Allyn & Bacon.
- Resnick, L. B. & Ford,W.W.(1981).Psychology of Mathematics for Instruction. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
- 授課教師:柳賢
- 科學課程與教學研究
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹
- Egan, K., & Cant, A., & Judson, G. (2015). Wonder-Full Education: The Centrality of Wonder in Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum. Taylor & Francis.
- Farmahini Farahania, M., & Malekib, M. (2014). A Survey on Tendency toward Curriculum Ideologies among Academic Board Members in Educational Sciences Faculties – Tehran 2010 – 11. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 2392–2396.
- Gülcan Mihladiz,G.,& Doğan,A. (2014).Science Teachers’ Views about NOS and the Place of NOS in Science Teaching. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 3476–3483.
- Kuhna, J.,& Müllerb,A. (2014). Context-based science education by newspaper story problems: A study on motivation and learning effects. Perspectives in Science2, 5–21.
- Simonneaux,L. & Simonneaux,J. (2014). The emergence of recent science education research and its affiliations in France. Perspectives in Science2, 55–64.
- Wei , X.,& Weng , D.,& Liu, Y.,& Wang,Y. (2015).Teaching based on augmented reality for a technical creative design course. Computers & Education81, 221–234
- 授課教師:劉嘉茹
- airiti Books 華藝中文電子書(支援 ipad、Android 及 PC 版閱讀器)
- Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館(CEPS 中文電子期刊 + CETD 中文電子論文)
- Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest) 數位化論文典藏聯盟
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高師大 ERMG 電子資源查詢平台
- Nature Archive, 1987 - 1996
Nature 雜誌過刊,可使用年限1987 - 1996
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A&I (PQDT--美加地區博碩士論文 )
提供美加地區博碩士論文索摘 (1861- ),可免費瀏覽 1997 年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁。
- Science Direct 資料庫
- Web of Science資料庫
WOS內容包含科學(SCIE-Science citation index expanded)、社會科學(SSCI-Social science citation index)、藝術與人文(A&HCI-Arts and humanities citation index)3種引文索引資料庫;SCIE約6,000餘種期刊,回溯年代至1900;SSCI約1,800餘種期刊,回溯年代至1956。本校僅訂閱SCIE及SSCI兩種資料庫。
- Wiley Online Library 資料庫
為一整合型的全文資料庫,資料類型包含 John Wiley 及 Black well 所出版的電子期刊約1,500 餘種、一般性電子書、及電子參考工具書。學科主題為綜合類型。2014年FULL Collection Fixed List為1,172種,FULL Collection Upgrade List 為208種。每種期刊全文查詢年限不盡相同,平均可回溯至 1997 年。
- 中國期刊全文數據庫 CNKI
- 方正中文電子書
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- 國立高雄師範大學機構典藏系統
機構典藏(Institutional Repository,IR)係將機構(大學)本身的各式研究產出,如期刊及會議論文、研究報告、投影片、教材等,以數位的方法保存並建立網路平台,提供全文檢索與使用的服務機制。