
- American Literature
- British and American Novels
- British Literature
- Children's English learning
- Cognitive Psychology
- Comparative Literature
- discourse analysis
- drama
- English readin
- English teaching
- Gothic
- Greek Tragedy
- history of the English language
- Indo-European
- Intercultural Communication
- Japanese linguistics
- Language Learning
- Literary Criticism
- Middle English
- Old English
- phonetics
- Popular Culture
- psychoanalysis
- public expression
- Rhetoric
- science fiction
- Semantics
- semantics
- Shakespeare
- Sociolinguistic
- space aesthetics
- speech
- Syntax
- translation
- Utopian Literature
- Whole Language Approach
- Women's Studies
- 英語系歷年博碩士論文
- 師範校院聯合博碩士論文
- 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
- 數位化論文典藏聯盟 (Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest))
- Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
- HKLIS Dissertation and Theses Collection(香港地區博碩士論文整合查詢系統)
- 中國期刊全文數據庫
- 美加地區博碩士論文(PQDT)
可查詢1861年起之美加地區博碩士論文摘要,且可免費瀏覽1997年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁
- 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)
- 館際合作-館際互借
- 閱讀指導 - 唐傑夫
- An Introduction to Critical Reading 6thedition
- Short Takes 3rdedition
- English – Chinese Dictionary
- 英文寫作 - 魏廷冀
- Pike-Baky, M. and Blass, L. 2007. Mosaic 1: Paragraph review and essay development (MS). McGraw-Hill.
- Hickman, Butler and Overby, McAlexander. 2003. Correct writing. Taipei:Bookman Books.
- Turton, Nigel D. 1995. ABC of common grammatical errors. Hong Kong: Macmillan Education LTD.
- 英文寫作 - 廖明姿
- Ruetten, M. K., & Pavlik, C. (2012). Developing Composition Skills:Academic Writing and Grammar. Third Edition. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
- Fowler, H. R., & Aaron, J.E., (2012). The little, Brown handbook. Eleventh Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Axelrod, R. B., & Cooper, C. R. (2007). The St. Martin's guide to writing, 8th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc
- Jacobus, L. A.(2005). A world of ideas: Essential readings for college writers,7th Edition. New York: Bedford/St. Martin'sPress Inc.
- McDonald, J. C. (2008). The Allyn and Bacon guide to writing: Brief edition,5th Edition.Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon.
- Kirszner, L. G., & Mandell, S. R. (2006). Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader and guide, 10th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc.
- Kirszner, L. G., Mandell, S. R., & Clauss, P. (2006). Patterns for college writing, 10th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc.
- Turton, N. D., & Heaton, J. B. (Eds). (1996). Longman dictionary of common errors.New York: Longman.
- 英語聽講 - 楊乃女
- Interactions 2: Listening and Speaking. (文鶴)
- 英語聽講 - 歐雷威
- 發音練習 - 彭慧芳
- Linda Grant, Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear Communication 3rd Edition, 2010, Heinle Cengage Learning
- Lane, Linda. Focus on Pronunciation 3. Pearson Education, 2005
- 發音練習 - 歐雷威
- 大一外文 - 王備五
- Sayers, Kari (2005) Views and Values: Diverse Readings of Universal Themes 3rd. Ed.New York: Thomson Wadsworth.
- Studio Classroom. Taipei: Studio Classroom
- The China Post
- Taiwan Review
- 英語語音學 - 歐雷威
- 文學作品與導讀 - 張逸帆
- The Norton Introduction to Literature
- Brown, Harry and John Milstead. What the Poem Means. Expanded Ed. Taipei: Bookman, 1994.
- Harmon, William and C. Hugh Holman. A Handbook to Literature. 7th Ed.
- 日文(I) - 陳芳華
- 日本語GoGoGo1(豪風出版)
- 日本事情(大新書局),日語口語文法表解(致良出版社)
- 英文 - 張淑君
- Essays assigned to be read each week will be provided by instructor.
- Current Issues of Studio Classroom (Mar 2015-May 2015)
- News Report
- Short stories written by Haruki Murakami
- Supplementary materials will be provided by instructor.
- 青少年文學教學 - 張玉玲
- 國文 - 梁姿茵
- 高師大國文系大一國文編委會:《大學國文選》,高雄,2004年8月。
- 研究方法 - 廖明姿
- Fowler, H. R., & Aaron, J.E., (2012). The little, Brown handbook. Eleventh Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Roth, A. J. (1995). The research paper: Process, form, and content. Boston, MA:Heinle & Heinle.
- Turton, N. D., & Heaton, J. B. (Eds). (1996). Longman dictionary of common errors. New York: Longman.
- 民主與法治 - 陳竹上
- 六法全書
- 民主法治與公民素養/呂雄/新文京開發/2010
- 民主與法治/林詮紹/新文京/2007
- 禮物:憲法入門/管家琪/幼獅/1999
- 地主之夢:民法入門/管家琪/幼獅/1999
- 英語聽講 - 呂奇芬
- 英語聽講 - 葉詩綺
- Johannsen, Kristin L. and Rebecca Tarver Chase. Word English 3. Heinle/Cengage Learning. 2010. (代理商:文鶴出版社)
- 英文 - 張逸帆
- 英文 - 歐雷威
- 英語語音學 - 葉詩綺
- Ladefoged, Peter. A Course in Phonetics (5th edition). Boston: Thomson/Wadsworth Publishers. 2006.
- Ashby, Michael and John Maidment. Introducing Phonetic Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2005.
- 文學作品導讀 - 呂奇芬
- The Norton Introduction to Literature. Shorter Eleventh Edition. Alison Booth & Kelly J. Mays, eds. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2010.
- 《教你讀懂文學的27堂課》。How to Read Literature Like a Professor。Thomas C. Foster。張思婷譯。新北市:木馬文化出版: 遠足文化發行,2011。
- 發音練習 - 彭慧芳
- Linda Grant, Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear Communication 3rd Edition,2010, Heinle Cengage Learning
- Lane, Linda. Focus on Pronunciation 3. Pearson Education, 2005
- 大一國文 - 郭繐綺
- 《古典文學精選》,高雄:麗文書局
- 劉大杰《中國文學史》
- 陳芳明《台灣新文學史》
- 《現代文學精選》,高雄:麗文書局
- 科技與社會(人文與科技) - 郭隆興
- 國家實驗研究院(101)。中華民國科學技術年鑑(101年版)。台北:國家實驗研究院。
- 國家實驗研究院(100)。中華民國科學技術年鑑(100年版)。台北:國家實驗研究院。
- 國家實驗研究院(95-102)。國家實驗研究院年報。台北:國家實驗研究院。
- 通識教育中心編(民98)。人文與科技教材講義。
- 周肇基(民97)。科學、技術與社會。台北:全華。
- 沈清松(民92)。科技與文化。台北:國立空中大學。
- 徐武軍(民96)。人文科技與生活。台北:五南。
- 宋慧娟(民95)。人類與自然科學。台北:五南。
- 沈致遠程(民93)。科學是美麗的。台北:商周。
- 李國偉譯(S. Weinberg著)(民92)。科學迎戰文化敵手。台北:天下文化。
- 漢寶德等(民95)。科技與人文的對話。台北:雄獅美術。
- 尹萍譯(J. Naisbitt , N. N. & D. P. 著)(民88)。高科技.高思惟。台北:時報文化。
- 王振寰、瞿海源主編(民88)。社會學與台灣社會。台北:巨流圖書公司。
- 吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟主編(民93)。科技渴望社會。台北:群學出版公司。
- 夏鑄九等譯(M. Castells著)(民87)。網絡社會之崛起。台北:唐山出版社。
- 張建邦、林志鴻(民85)。未來學。台北:書華出版公司。
- 郭隆興(民82)。從教育人類學的觀點談人的本質與開展。教育文粹,22,14-20。
- 葉至誠(民86)。蛻變的社會。台北:洪葉文化。
- 顧淑馨譯(J. S. Brown & P. Duguid著)(民90)。資訊革命了什麼?台北:先覺出版社。
- Bauer, M. W., Gaskell, G. , Durant, J., Bauer, M.W., & Gaskell, G.( 2002). Biotechnology : the making of a global controversy. Cambridge University Press.
- Chowdhury, D. (2006) . In Our Own Image: Humanity's Quest for Divinity via Technology. AuthorHouse.
- Ciriaco M. A. (2002). The Humanities in the Age of Technology. Catholic University of America Press.
- 英文寫作 - 張逸帆
- 英文寫作(II) - 張淑君
- Smalley, Regina L., Mary K. Ruetten, and Joann Rishel Kozyrev. Refining Composition Skills – Academic Writing and Grammar. 6th ed. Boston, MA: Heinle, 2012.
- 英語聽講 - 葉詩綺
- Boyle, Mike and Ellen Kisslinger. Skillful Listening & Speaking 3. Macmillan. 2013. (文鶴書局)
- 語言學概論 - 忻愛莉
- Introduction to Language, 10th ed., by V. Fromkin & R. Rodman. (Crane)
- Peter Ladefoged, Keith Johnson.A Course in Phonetics.Stamford, CT : Cengage Learning. (2015)(Crane bookstore)
- Department of Linguistics, the Ohio State University.Language files : materials for an introduction to language.Columbus : Ohio State University Press.(1992)(Bookman Books)
- 謝國平著(1998)。語言學概論。台北市:三民書局。
- 西洋文學概論 - 吳建亨
- 日文(II) - 陳芳華
- 日本語GoGo Go 1
- & 日本語GoGo Go2(豪風出版)
- 法文(II) - 呂奇芬
- Sylvie Poisson-Quinton et Évelyne Siréjols. Amical1. CLE International, 2011.
- 英文文法分析 - 王備五
- Butler, E., M. Hickman, P. McAlexander, and L. Overby (1991) Correct writing. 6th Ed. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company.
- Frank, Marcella (1986) Modern English: Exercises for non-native speakers. Part II: sentences and complex structures. 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Frank, Marcella (1986) Modern English: Exercises for non-native speakers. Part I: parts of speech. 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Wang, BW (unpublished handouts) Structure and written expression.
- 漢學英文 - 李宏謀
- 英美小說 - 朱雯娟
- Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. London: Collins Classics, 2010. Print.
- Gilbert, Elizabeth. (2010)Eat, Pray, Love. London: Penguin, 2006.
- Hemmings, Kaui Hart. The Descendants. London: Vintage, 2012.
- Dan Millman(2006). Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Novato, California: New World Library, 2000.
- Sebold, Alice.(2002) The Lovely Bones. London: Picador, 2009. Print.
- See, Lisa. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2009. Print.
- Stockett, Kathryn. (2011)The Help. New York: Berkley Books, 2009. Print.
- Walker, Alice. The Color Purple. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006
- Bradbury, Malcolm and David Palmer, eds. The Contemporary English Novel. New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1980. Print.
- Cassill, R. V. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. 5th ed. New York: Norton, 1995. Print.
- Geyh, Paula, Fred G. Leebron and Andrew L., eds. Postmodern American Fiction: A Norton Anthology. New York: Norton, 1998. Print.
- 英國文學史 - 楊乃女
- The Norton Anthology: English Literature (I)
- 教學原理 - 吳和堂
- 黃光雄(2004)。教學原理。台北:師大書苑。
- 沈翠蓮(2001)。教學原理與設計。臺北:五南。
- 蔡文榮(2004)。活化教學的錦囊妙計。台北:學富。
- 教育議題專題 - 黃怡雯
- 音韻學導論 - 葉詩綺
- Hayes, Bruce. Introductory Phonology. Blackwell Publishing. 2008.
- Katamba, Francis. An Introduction to Phonology. Longman. 1989.
- Roca, Iggy and Wyn Johnson. A Course in Phonology. Blackwell Publishers. 1999.
- 英美詩歌 - 李翠玉
- 比較文學導論 - 楊乃女
- Ehrenreich,Barbara. Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007.
- Eliot, T.S.. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Great Books Online. Bartleby.com, n.d. Web. 1 March 2015. http://www.bartleby.com/198/1.html
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. London: Picador, 2013.
- Highmore, Ben. Everyday Life and Cultural Theory: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 2002.
- Worsley, Lucy. If Walls Could Talk: An Intimate History of the Home. New York: Walker & Company, 2011.
- 希臘戲劇選讀 - 吳建亨
- Aeschylus. The Oresteia (Trans. Robert Fagles)
- Euripides. Medea and Other Plays
- Hamilton, Edith. Mythology.
- Sophocles. The Theban Plays (Trans. Robert Fagles)
- 英文寫作(II) - 吳建亨
- 英文寫作(II) - 廖明姿
- Smalley, R.L., Ruetten, M. K., & Kozyrev, J. R.(2012). Refining Composition Skills:Academic Writing and Grammar. Sixth Edition. Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
- Fowler, H. R., & Aaron, J.E., (2009). The little, Brown handbook. Eleventh Edition. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Axelrod, R. B., & Cooper, C. R. (2007). The St. Martin's guide to writing, 8th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc.
- Jacobus, L. A.(2005). A world of ideas: Essential readings for college writers,7th Edition. New York: Bedford/St. Martin'sPress Inc.
- McDonald, J. C. (2008). The Allyn and Bacon guide to writing: Brief edition,5th Edition.Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon.
- Kirszner, L. G., & Mandell, S. R. (2006). Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader and guide, 10th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc.
- Kirszner, L. G., Mandell, S. R., & Clauss, P. (2006). Patterns for college writing, 10th Edition. New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc
- Turton, N. D., & Heaton, J. B. (Eds). (1996). Longman dictionary of common errors.New York: Longman.
- Supplementary materials will be provided extracted from the Recommended Texts.
- 英語聽講實習 - 忻愛莉
- Open Forum 3, by Janie Duncan and Amy Parker (2007) (Cave)
- Word by Word, by Molinsky and Bliss (Tung Hua)
- 語言學概論 - 郭進屘
- O'Grady, William and John Archibald. 2011. Contemporary Linguistic Analysis. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada.
- Crystal, David. 2004. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Cambridge: Oxford.
- Cann, Ronnie. 1993. Formal Semantics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Crystal, David. 2003. A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics.Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Fromkin, Victoria A. Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.(2000)
- iu, Chen-Sheng. Lecture Notes on Linguistic Analysis. Ms. 2001.
- Radford, Andrew. Transformational Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge. 1988.
- Roca, Iggy and Wyn Johnson. 1999. A course in phonology. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- William O'Grady, Michael Dobrovolsky and Francis Katamba. 1996.Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. London and New York: Longman.
- 西洋文學概論 - 楊乃女
- 英國文學史 - 李宏謀
- 英文寫作(III) - 唐傑夫
- Writing Clear Essays 3rded.
- English – Chinese Dictionary
- 英文寫作(III) - 王備五
- 英國文學史 - 陳靖奇
- Stephen Greenblatt, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th ed. Vol. II. New York: Norton, 2012.
- Cudden, J. A., and Claire Preston. Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin, 2000.
- Day, Martin S. History of English Literature. 3 vols. Taipei: Bookman, 1990.
- Frye, Northrop, Barbara Perkins, and Sheridan Warner Baker. Harper Handbook to Literature. 2nd ed. Sydney: Pearson Education, 1997.
- Hornstein, Lillian Herlands, Leon Edel, and Sterling Allen Brown, eds. The Reader's Companion to World Literature. 2nd ed. New York: Penguin, 2002.
- Thornley, G. C., and Gwyneth Roberts. An Outline of English Literature. Essex: Longman, 1997.
- 美國文學 - 麥迪摩
- 句法學概論 - 忻愛莉
- Hsin, Ai-li, Syntax Notes (英檢Bookstore)
- Li and Thompson, Chinese Grammar, (黃宣範譯) (Crane Bookstore)
- Andrew Radford, Transformational Syntax, Cambridge, (Bookman Co.)
- 英美女性文學 - 楊乃女
- 班級經營 - 陳碧祺
- 張民杰(2011)。班級經營—學說與案例應用。台北: 高等教育。
- 單文經(主譯) (2008)。班級經營的理論與實務。台北:學富。
- 方德隆(譯) (2014)。有效的班級經營—課堂的模式與策略。
- 陶德 威塔克、安妮特 布諾(合著) 林金源(譯) (2014)。優秀老師這樣做: 輕鬆應付課堂挑戰50 招。新北市: 木馬文化。
- 張民杰(2011)。老師,你可以這樣帶班。台北市: 五南。
- 王政忠(2012)。老師,你會不會回來。 台北: 時報。
- 楊傳峰(2013)。孩子,我和你同一國: 一個偏鄉老師的真情筆記。台北: 時報。
- 李崇建(2012)。麥田裡的老師。台北: 寶瓶文化。
- 雷夫 艾奎斯(2008)。第56號教室的奇蹟。台北: 高寶國際。
- 教材與教法 - 張玉玲
- Chang, Y-L. (1995). The reading package of TEFL.
- Brown, H. H., (1987). Principles of language learning and teaching..Crane.
- Doff, A. (1988). Teach English, a training course for teachers, trainer’s handbook.Cambridge University Press.
- Long, M. H. & Richards, J. C. (1987). Methodology in TESOL. New York: Harper & Row.
- Tsao, F-F, etc. (Eds.). (1983).EFL readings for Chinese teachers. .Crane.
- Richards, J.C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1976). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Crane.
- 張玉玲(2000). 全語言兒童英語教學. 敦煌書局
- 戲劇選讀 - 麥迪摩
- 言談分析導論-郭進屘
- Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cann, Ronnie. 2009. Semantics: an Introduction to Meaning in Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Heim, Irene and Angelika Kratzer. 1998. Semantics in Generative Grammar. Massachusetts:Blackwell Publishers Inc.
- Horn, Laurence R. and Gregory Ward. 2004. The Handbook of Pragmatics. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc
- Huang, Yan. 2007. Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kadmon, Nirit. 2001. Formal Pragmatics. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc.
- Schiffrin, Deborah, Deborach Tannen & Heidi E. Hamilton. 2001. The Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Inc
- 英語會話 - 林秀春
- Nation & Newton 2009 Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking. Routledge
- Anderson, A., and T. Lynch 1996. Listening. Oxford.
- Bailey, Kathleen M. Speaking Brown, Steven. 2011 Listening Myths. Michigan Brownell, J. 1995. Listening: Attitudes, Principles, and Skills. Allyn and Bacon.
- Byrne, D. 1997. Teaching Oral English. Longman.
- Field, John. 2008 Listening in the Language Classroom
- McCarthy, M. 1998. Spoken Language and Applied Linguistics.
- Underhill, N. 1993. Testing Spoken Language. Cambridge.
- Underwood, M. 1993. Teaching Listening. Longman.
- Ur, P. 1984. Teaching Listening Comprehension. Cambridge.
- 美國文學 - 李翠玉
- Baym, Nina, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1998.
- Baym, Nina, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 7th Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1998.
- Day, Martin S. A Handbook of American Literature. Rept. Ed. Taipei: Bookman Books, 1999.
- Heiney, Donald & Lenthiel H. Downs. Recent American Literature: To 1930 & After 1930. 2 vols. Rpt. Taipei: Bookman Books, 1990.
- Holman, C. H. and W. Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. 5th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1986
- Hugh, Peter B. An Outline of American Literature. London and New York: Longman, 1986.
- Lauter, Paul et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. 2 vols. 3rd Edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
- Salzman, Jack, et al., eds. The Cambridge Handbook of American Literature. Rpt. Taipei: Bookman Books, 1988.
- 句法學導論 - 余光雄
- 英國文學史 - 吳建亨
- 中英翻譯 - 林秀春
- 英語演講 - 李玲琍
- The Art of Public Speaking 東華書局
- 中英文對比分析 - 郭進屘
- 湯廷池. 2010. 語言學、語言分析與語言教學. 台北: 致良出版社.
- Beck, Sigrid. 2006.Focus on again. Linguistics and philosophy 29:277-314.
- Huang, C. T. James. 1997. Chinese Passives in Comparative Perspective. Tsing Hua Jounal of Chinese Studies.
- Kuo, Chin-Man.2009. The meaning of S-topics in Mandarin: A Crosslinguistic Comparison. NACCL-21: 271-290.
- Tang, C.-C. Jane 1989. Chinese reflexives. Natural language and Linguistic Theory 7: 93-122.
- Hsieh, Miao-ling. 2004. On the licensing of A-not-A forms in Chinese and the DP Hypothesis. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics30: 68-92.
- Huang, C. T. James, Li, Yen-Hui Audrey/ and Li, Yafei. 2008. The Syntax of Chinese. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kearns, Kate. 2000. Semantics. London: Macmillan Press Ltd.
- Li, Charles N. and Sandra A. Thompson. 1982. Mandarin Chinese. Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co., Ltd.
- Chomsky, Noam. 1981. Lectures on government and binding. Dordrecht: Foris.
- Chomsky, Noam. 1986a. Knowledge of language: its nature, origin, and use. New York: Prager.
- Chomsky, Noam. 1986b. Barriers. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- 青少年發展與輔導 - 曾貝露
- 陳金定(2007):青少年發展與適應問題-理論與實務。台北:心理。
- 黃德祥等譯(2006):青少年心理學。台北:心理出版社。
- 郭靜晃(2006)。青少年心理學。台北:洪葉文化。
- 鄭昌憲(2011)。我是誰-快樂自信做自己。台北:洪葉文化
- Lerner, R. M. 著;黃德祥主譯及校閱(2006)。青少年心理學:青少年的發展、多樣性、脈絡與應用。台北:心理。
- 黃俊豪、連廷嘉合譯(2009)。青少年心理學(第二版)。台北:學富文化。
- 大衛.華著(2005)為什麼青少年都衝動。張老師文化。
- 王浩威著(2009)我的青春,施工中:台灣少年記事。心靈工坊。
- 薩克斯著(2006)養男育女調不同。遠流出版。
- 薩克斯著(2008)浮萍男孩:發現男生缺乏動機的因素,再造獨立負責的男兒本色。遠流出版。
- 薩克斯著(2011)棉花糖女孩:充實甜美外表下的空洞心靈,教養出自信健康的生命舵手。遠流出版。
- 學校行政 - 吳百祿
- 吳清山(2014)。學校行政(第七版),臺北:心理出版社。
- 文學與電影 - 麥迪摩
- 二十世紀英美文學 - 呂奇芬
- Lord of the Flies. William Golding. Perigee Book, 2006.
- A Wizard of Earthsea. Ursula K. Le Guin. Puffin Books: 1971.
- Two Boys Kissing. David Levithan. Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.
- 中英翻譯 - 李玲琍
- 周兆祥 翻譯初階 書林
- JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection
為JSTOR人文社會學科第3個資料庫,強調藝術和人文科學,收錄有151種 期刊全文,涵括之主題為語言學、文學、音樂、藝術、電影、建築學、表演藝術、宗教和民俗學等。
- airiti Books 華藝中文電子書(支援 ipad、Android 及 PC 版閱讀器)
- Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館(CEPS 中文電子期刊 + CETD 中文電子論文)
- Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest) 數位化論文典藏聯盟
- Ebscohost 全文資料庫 (ASP+BSP+CMMC)
- EndNote 書目管理軟體
- ERMG 電子資源查詢平台
高師大 ERMG 電子資源查詢平台
- Nature Archive, 1987 - 1996
Nature 雜誌過刊,可使用年限1987 - 1996
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: A&I (PQDT--美加地區博碩士論文 )
提供美加地區博碩士論文索摘 (1861- ),可免費瀏覽 1997 年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁。
- Science Direct 資料庫
- Web of Science資料庫
WOS內容包含科學(SCIE-Science citation index expanded)、社會科學(SSCI-Social science citation index)、藝術與人文(A&HCI-Arts and humanities citation index)3種引文索引資料庫;SCIE約6,000餘種期刊,回溯年代至1900;SSCI約1,800餘種期刊,回溯年代至1956。本校僅訂閱SCIE及SSCI兩種資料庫。
- Wiley Online Library 資料庫
為一整合型的全文資料庫,資料類型包含 John Wiley 及 Black well 所出版的電子期刊約1,500 餘種、一般性電子書、及電子參考工具書。學科主題為綜合類型。2014年FULL Collection Fixed List為1,172種,FULL Collection Upgrade List 為208種。每種期刊全文查詢年限不盡相同,平均可回溯至 1997 年。
- 中國期刊全文數據庫 CNKI
- 方正中文電子書
- 國立高雄師範大學博碩士論文系統
- 國立高雄師範大學機構典藏系統
機構典藏(Institutional Repository,IR)係將機構(大學)本身的各式研究產出,如期刊及會議論文、研究報告、投影片、教材等,以數位的方法保存並建立網路平台,提供全文檢索與使用的服務機制。