
- 人力資源發展
- 人力資源管理
- 人際溝通
- 人際關係
- 人權教育
- 比較成人教育
- 生命教育
- 生涯規劃
- 生涯發展
- 民主政治教育
- 在職進修
- 成人心理學
- 成人教育
- 成人教育行政與政策
- 成人教育行銷
- 成人教育組織與領導
- 成人教育發展史
- 成人教育課程規劃
- 成人教學
- 成人發展
- 成人學習
- 成人識字教育
- 成人識讀教育
- 休閒心理學
- 休閒行政
- 休閒社會學
- 休閒教育
- 休閒與遊憩
- 多元文化教育
- 多元文化教育
- 決策分析
- 社區大學
- 社區成人教育
- 社區學習
- 社會企業
- 社會科學方法論
- 社會教育
- 玩興與創造力
- 非正規教育
- 非營利組織
- 和平教育
- 服務學習
- 性別社會學
- 性別與教育
- 國際成人教育合作
- 婦女與性別教育
- 組織行為
- 組織理論與管理
- 組織發展
- 組織與評鑑研究
- 終身學習
- 遊憩與休閒研究
- 隔空教育
- 電腦網路
- 跨文化溝通
- 跨國婚姻與移民
- 團體動力
- 領導學
- 課程開發與設計
- 學校與社區關係
- 學習社會
- 學習型組織
- 諮商與輔導
- Adult Development
- Adult Education
- Adult education course planning
- Adult education marketing
- Adult Education Organization and Leadership
- Adult education program design
- Adult Educational Administration and Policy
- Adult Learning
- Adult literacy
- adult literacy education
- Adult Psychology
- Career development
- Career planning
- Community Adult Education
- Community College
- Community Learning
- Comparative Adult Education
- Computer network and Adult Learning
- Consultation and counseling
- Cross-cultural competency development
- Curriculum Development and Design
- Decision Analysis
- Democracy Education
- facilitate adult learning / adult teaching
- Gender and Education
- Gender Studies
- Group dynamics
- History of Adult Education
- History of Adult Education Philosophy
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Management
- Human rights education
- Intercultural Communication
- International Adult Education Cooperation
- Interpersonal
- Interpersonal communication
- Job training
- Leadership
- Learning Organization
- learning society
- Leisure & Education
- Leisure administrative
- Leisure and Recreation Planning and Management
- Leisure Psychology
- Leisure Sociology
- Life Education
- Lifelong Learning
- Multicultural Education
- Non-formal education organizations
- non-profit organization
- Organization Theory and Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Development
- Peace Education
- Playfulness and creativity
- Recreation and Leisure Studies
- School and Community Relations
- Service Learning
- Social Education
- social enterprise
- Social Science Methodology
- Taking education
- Transnational Marriage and Immigration
- Women and Gender Education
- 成人教育研究所歷年博碩士論文
- 師範校院聯合博碩士論文
- 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統
- 數位化論文典藏聯盟 (Digital Dissertation Consortium (ProQuest))
- Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館
- HKLIS Dissertation and Theses Collection(香港地區博碩士論文整合查詢系統)
- 中國期刊全文數據庫
- 美加地區博碩士論文(PQDT)
可查詢1861年起之美加地區博碩士論文摘要,且可免費瀏覽1997年後已數位化之論文的前 24 頁
- Australian journal of adult learning
- Psychology and aging
- Schole : a journal of leisure studies and recreation education
- 戶外遊憩研究
- 本土心理學研究
- 社會政策與社會工作學刊
- 臺灣社會學
- 臺灣社會學刊
- 應用心理研究
- 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)
- 館際合作-館際互借
- 成人心理學研究 / Studies in Psychology of Adult Education -韓必霽
- 成人教育組織與領導研究 / Studies in Organization and Leadership of Adult Education -韓必霽
- 成人教育研究法 / Research Methods of Adult Education -王政彥
- 教育研究方法論的中外相關書籍、期刊;講義另外提供
- 成人學習研究 / Studies in Adult Learning -何青蓉
- 國際成人識讀教育專題研究 -何青蓉
- 何青蓉(2007)。成人識字教育的可能性。2版。高雄:復文圖書出版社。
- 安娜.拉佩(2013)。一座發燒小行星的未來飲食法。台北:行人文化實驗室。
- 約翰.羅彬斯(2006)。新世紀飲食。台北:琉璃光。
- 約翰.雷恩和亞倫.聖鄧寧(2002)。不可思議的消費鏈。台北:新自然主義。
- 非營利組織與社會企業研究 -何青蓉
- 1. 胡哲生, 梁瓊丹, 卓秀足, 吳宗昇(2013)。我們的小幸福、小經濟:9個社會企業熱血、追夢實戰故事。台北:新自然主義。
- 2. 社企流(Social Enterprise Insights)(2014)。社企力 : 社會企業=翻轉世界的變革力量。用愛創業,做好事又能獲利! = Power of good : how social enterprise is shaking the world! eng。台北:果力文化。
- 休閒教育研究 / Studies in Leisure Education -余嬪
- J. Dattilo(2008). Leisure Education Program Planning: A Systematic Approach. 3rd ed., State College, PA: Venture
- J. Mundy(1998). Leisure Education: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed., Champaign, IL: Sagamore
- Ruth V. Russell著;蘇楓雅譯(2009)。休閒活動規劃與執行=Lynn M. Jamieson. Leisure Program Planning and Delivery。台北:華都文化
- 余嬪 (2007)。休閒教育的過去、現在與未來。體育理論基礎經典叢書(下)。國立教育資料館。頁345-365
- 余嬪(2010)。休閒教育與社區的包容與排擠、溝通與連結。載於中華民國社區教育學會主編。社區休閒學習文化。頁33-57。台北:師大書苑
- 環境教育法、國家公園法、環境基本法(全國法規資料庫:http://law.moj.gov.tw/index.aspx)
- 余嬪(2000)。休閒教育的實施與發展。大葉學報,9卷2期,頁1-13
- 余嬪(1997)。輕鬆休閒操之在我。高雄:復文
- 余嬪(2003)。樂在工作─組織玩興研究。高雄師大學報。16卷,頁19-37
- 宋瑞, 薛怡珍(2007)。生態旅遊的理論與實務–永續發展的旅遊。台北:新文京開發
- 李力昌(2005)。休閒社會學。台北:偉華書局有限公司
- Thomas Goodale, Jeffery Godbey著;李素梅, 馬惠娣, 季斌, 馮世梅譯(2000)。 人類思想史中的休閒=The evolution of leisure: Historical and philosophical perspectives。中國:雲南人民出版社
- 周秀華, 余嬪(2005)。深度休閒者學習經驗之研究。教育與心理研究,28卷2期,頁297-324
- 周錦宏, 程士航, 張正霖(2009)。休閒社會學。台北:華立圖書
- Jeffery Godbey著;康箏, 田松譯(2000)。你生命中的休閒=Leisure in your life: An exploration。中國:雲南人民出版社
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi著;張定綺譯(1993)。快樂,從心開始=Flow: the psychology of optimal experience。台北:天下文化
- Jeoffery Godbey著;張春波, 陳定家, 劉鳳華, 馬惠娣譯(2000)。21世紀的休閒與休閒服務=Leisure and leisure services in the 21st century。中國:雲南人民出版社
- 張樑治, 余嬪, 宋秉明(2004)。安養機構老人休閒滿意研究:需求理論之驗證。教育與心理研究,27卷4期,頁807-821
- 張樑治, 劉吉川, 余嬪(2004)。安養機構老人心流體驗與生活滿意關係之研究。戶外遊憩研究,17卷3期,頁19-36
- 張樑治, 余嬪, 蔡志堅, 劉吉川(2006)。運用迴歸作用機制圖重探老人勝任感、自我決定感與休閒滿意關係之研究。戶外遊憩研究,4卷19期,頁65-81
- 張樑治, 余嬪, 陳朝圳(2008)。亂丟垃圾成因:綜合遊客道德情緒與森林遊樂區防衛空間因子之觀點。中華林學季刊,41卷1期,頁77-92
- Maddy Dychtwald著;陳正芬譯(2003)。C型人生=How we will live, work, and buy。台北:商智
- Mihaly Csikszentmihaly著;陳秀娟譯(1998)。生命的心流=Finding flow。台北:天下文化
- 陳燕禛主編(2009)。老人生活福祉與社區休閒教育=Elderly welfare and community leisure education。台北:威仕曼文化
- Rollo May著;傅佩榮譯(2001)。創造的勇氣=The Courage to Create。台北:立緒
- John Kelly著;越冉, 季斌譯(2000)。走向自由─休閒社會學新論=Freedom to be。中國:雲南人民出版社
- 黃振興主編(2008)。休閒教育理論與課程設計。台北:新文京開發
- 葉智魁(2006)。休閒研究–休閒觀與休閒專論。台北:品度
- Carla Henderson著;劉耳, 季斌, 馬嵐(2000)。女性休閒─女性主義的視角=Both gains and gaps: Feminist perspectives on women's leisure。中國:雲南人民出版社
- Josef Pieper著;劉森堯譯(2003)。閒暇:文化的基礎=Leisure, the basis of culture。台北:立緒
- Carl Honore著;顏湘如譯(2005)。慢活= In praise of slow。台北:大塊文化
- B. L. Driver, P. J. Brown, G. L. Peterson (1991). Benefits of Leisure. State College, PA: Venture
- C. R. Edginton, C. J. Hanson, S. R. Edginton (1992). Leisure programming: concepts, trends, and professional practice. 2nd ed., Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Communications, Inc.
- A. Epperson, P. A. Witt, G. Hitzhusen (1977). Leisure counseling: an aspect of leisure education. Springfield,IL: Charles C Thomas
- D. R. Evans, M. T. Hearn, M. R. Uhlemann, A. E. Ivey (1993). Essential interviewing: a programmed approach to effective communication. 4th ed., Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company
- G. Godbey (2006). Leisure and leisure services in the 21st century toward mid century. State College, PA: Venture Pub.
- S. E. Iso-Ahola (1980). The social psychology of leisure and recreation. Dubuque, IOWA: William
- J. R. Kelly (1987). Freedom to be: a new sociology of leisure. NY: Macmillan Pub.
- G. Lippitt, R. Lippitt (1986).The consulting process in action. 2nd ed., San Diego, CA: University Associates, Inc.
- L. C. Loesch, P. T. Wheeler (1982). Principles of leisure counseling. Minneapolis. MN: Educational Media Corp.
- J. Mundy (1998). Leisure Education. 2nd ed., Champaign, IL: Sagamore
- C. A. Peterson, S. L. Gunn (1993). Therapeutic Recreation Program Design. 2nd ed., Principles and Procedures. U.S.A.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
- The American Association for Leisure and Recreation (2003). Leisure Education in the Schools. Taskforce on Leisure Education in the Schools. U.S.: the American Association for Leisure and Recreation.
- 人力資源發展研究 / Studies in Human Resource Development -韓必霽
- 戴國良(2012)。人力資源管理-企業實務導向與本土個案實例。台北:鼎茂
- (2011)。台灣企業人力資源管理集。台北:華泰書局
- 高文彬(2012)。人力資源發展-職能基礎觀點。台北:雙葉
- 丘周剛等(2009)。現代人力資源管理。台北:新文京
- 史萬森(Richard A. Swanson), 何爾頓(Elwood F. Holton III)作; 葉俊偉譯(2005)。人力資源發展。台北:五南
- 洪榮昭(1995)。人力資源發展。台北:師大書苑
- 簡建忠(2003)。人力資源發展。台北:前程
- R. Blackwell(2010). Strategic Human Resource Management. McGraw-hill
- J. Bhatnagar, A. Sharma (2005). The Indian perspective of strategic roles and organizational learning capability. International Journal of Human Resource Management 16(9):1711-1739
- A. Clardy (2008). Human resource development and the resource-based model of core competencies: methods for diagnosis and assessment. Human Resource Development Review 7:387-388
- M. Coetzee (ed). (2007). Practising, education, training and development in South African organisations. Cape Town: Juta:1-2
- G. Dessler (2011). Human Resource Management. Prentice Hall
- C. Fisher (2005). HRD attitudes: the roles and ethical stances of human resource developers. Human Resource Development International 8(2):1
- P. Goodge (2006). Competencies for the New HR. Competency and Emotional Intelligence 13(4):34-37
- M. Meyer (2007). Managing human resource development: an outcomes-based approach. Durban: LexisNexis:2-5
- R. A. Noe (2008). Employee training and development. New York: McGrawHill
- D. Ulrich, W. Brockbank, D. Hohnson, K. Sandholtz, J. Younger (2008). HR competencies: mastery at the intersection of people and business. Michigan: Society for Human Resource Management:1. 10
- T. Valkeavaara (1998). Human resource development roles and competencies in five European countries. International Journal of Training and Development 2(3):177-179
- M. Harris (2011). Human Resource Management. Dryen
- M. S. Knowles (1996). Adult learning. In Craig, R. L., (ed.). ASTD Training & Development Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development, Fourth Edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
- M. K. Cooper, J. A. Henschke (2003). Thinking about andragogy: The international foundation for its research, theory, and practice linkage in adult education and human resource development. In Academy of Human Resource Development International Rese
- M. K. Cooper, J. A. Henschke (2004). New linkages for andragogy and human resources development. In Academy of Human Resource Development International Research Conference. Austin, TX.
- M. K. Cooper, J. A. Henschke. (2001). Andragogy: Its research value for practice. In Proceedings of the Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education. Charleston, IL.
- M. K. Cooper, J. A. Henschke. (2002). Andragogy: The foundation for its theory, research and practice linkage. Proceedings of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD.
- J. K. Ford, D. A. Weissbein (1997).Transfer of training: An updated reviewand analysis. PerformanceImprovement Quarterly, 10 (2), 22-41
- D. B. Gradous (Ed.). (1989). Systems theory applied to human resource development (Theory-topractice monograph). Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development
- R. A. Guzzo, M. W. Dickson (1996). Teams in organizations: Recent research on performance and effectiveness. Annual Review of Psychology, 47, 307-338
- J. R. Hackman, G. R. Oldham (1980).Work redesign. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
- C. D. Hansen, A. K. Brooks (1994). Areviewof cross-cultural research on human resource development. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 5 (1), 55-74
- T. Malcolm (1996). Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training. New York, NY: Routledge
- R. J. Torraco (2005). Work design theory: A review and critique with implications for human resource development. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 16 (1), 85-109
- R. A. Swanson, E. F. Holton (2001). Foundations of Human Resource Development. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler
- J. Stewart, G. Beaver (2004). HRD in small organisations:research and practice. London :Routledge
- J. P. Wilson (2005). Human Resource Development :learning and training for individuals and organizations. VA :Kogan
- B. Delahaye (2005). Human resource development :adult learning and knowledge management. Milton, Qld :John Wiley
- J. M. Werner, R. L. DeSimone (2008). Human Resource Development. Mason: South-Western
- Wei Zhang (1996). Adult Education in China. International/Global Comparative Education in Adult Education, (Translated by Carole Yufang Huang). Ed. Zhang, Wei. Beijing: Industrial Publishers.
- 統計套裝軟體在成人教育上的應用 / Applications of Statistical Package Software to Adult Education -凃金堂
- 凃金堂(2012)。量表編製與SPSS。台北:五南
- 王國川譯(2010)。如何編製優質的問卷。台北:五南
- 吳明隆(2009)。SPSS操作與應用:問卷統計分析實務。台北:五南
- 凃金堂(2009)。教育測驗與評量。台北:三民
- 凃金堂(2010)。SPSS與量化研究。台北:五南
- 張芳全(2008)。問卷就是要這樣編。台北:心理
- 魏勇剛、龍長權、宋武譯(2004)。量表編製:理論與應用。台北:五南
- R. F. DeVellis (2003). Scale development : theory and applications. Cal: Sage Publications
- S. E. Embretson (1985). Test design : developments in psychology and psychometrics. Orlando: Academic Press
- R. K. Hambleton, J. N. Zaal (1991). Advances in educational and psychological testing : theory and applications. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- K. D. Hopkins (1998). Educational and psychological measurement and evaluation. Boston : Allyn & Bacon
- P. Kline (1986). A handbook of test construction:Introduction to psychometric design. New York, NY Methuen
- 成人教育英文名著選讀 / Selected English Readings on Adult Education -何德維(David C. Trott)
- Cynthia Brown (1978). Literacy in 30 Hours: Paolo Freire's Process in North East Brazil. Chicago: Center for Open Learning and Teaching
- James Draper (1998). The metamorphoses of andragogy. Canadian Journal of Studies in Adult Education. Vol. 12
- William Robertson, Judith Munter (2014). Redefining Pedagogy: Dialogues on Transformative Immersion, Praxis, and Reflection. International journal of education and research 2.1 (2014): 13-24
- Roger Hiemstra. Translating Personal Values and Philosophy into Practical Action. In R. G. Brockett (Ed.)(1988), Ethical issues in adult education. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University
- Forrest, Peterson (2006). It's Called Andragogy. Academy of Management Learning and Education. March. Volume 5.
- Kelly Millecent (2013). Beyond Classroom Borders: Incorporating collaborative service learning for the adult student. Adult Learning, 24:2 82-84
- David Trott (2013). Teaching Spirituality and Work: A Praxis Based Pedagogy. Management Learning, November, 44, 5, 470-492
- Soekartawi, A. Haryono, F. Librero (2002). Greater Learning Opportunities Through Distance Education: Experiences in Indonesia and the Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Education, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 283-320
- R. Klein-Collins (2010). Fueling the race to postsecondary success: A 48-institution study of prior learning assessment and adult student outcomes. Chicago, IL: Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
- Myles Horton - Radical Hillbilly on Vimeo
- 社區成人教育研究 / Studies in Community Adult Education-徐秀菊
- 林振春(2008)。社區學習。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國社區教育學會主編(2008)。社區學習方法。台北︰師大書苑
- 王政彥(2002)。終生學習社區合作網絡的發展。台北︰五南
- J. P. Kretzmann, J. L. Mcknight (1993). Building community from the inside out: A path toward finding and mobilizing a community assets. Evanston, IL: The Asset-Based Community Development Institute, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University
- P. M. Cunningham (2002). Authentic Community Education. keynote speech at 2002 Community University Conference, at National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- C. Fitzsimons (2010). Professionalising Community Work and Its Implications for Radical Community Education. Adult Learner: The Irish Journal Of Adult And Community Education, 53-71
- 林振春(2011)。社會教育專論。台北: 師大書苑
- 王本壯編(2007)。社區終身學習體系的政策、理論與實務。台北︰師大書苑
- 林振春(1999)。台灣社區教育發展之研究。台北︰師大書苑
- 鄧湘漪, 陳秋山譯(2011)。社會工作與社區: 實踐的批判性脈絡。台北︰心理
- 姚瀛志(2011)。社區組織理論與實務技巧。新北市︰揚智
- 余安邦, 鄭淑慧主編(2009)。社區有教室的在地轉化: 打造有文化品味的課程與教學。台北︰五南
- 吳茂成(2008)。社會參與中的成人學習探究—以台南市東庭園公寓大廈社區營造為例。未出版博士論文。高雄市:高雄師範大學
- 陳乃林, 劉建同主編 (2010)。學習型社會建設中的社區教育發展研究。北京: 高等教育
- 中華民國社區教育學會, 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系(2010)。高齡志工與社區學習。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國社區教育學會主編(2010)。社區休閒學習文化。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國社區教育學會主編(2009)。社區節慶與社區學習。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國社區教育學會主編(2007)。社區高齡教育的跨科際整合。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國家庭教育學會主編(2007)。當前家庭教育的挑戰與對策。台北︰師大書苑
- 中華民國社區教育學會主編(2006)。社區學習新思維。台北︰師大書苑
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